Theater in NYC: Popcorn Falls at the Davenport Theater Off-Broadway

Theater in NYC: Popcorn Falls at the Davenport Theater Off-Broadway

Hilarious, witty, and heartwarming story about small-town problems artfully told with lots of energy and genuine acting; through January 6, 2019

Adam Heller as Mr. Trundle and Tom Souhrada as Joe in a scene from Popcorn Falls
Adam Heller and Tom Souhrada; photo by Monique Carboni

Welcome to Popcorn Falls, a small town in a hinterland which only attraction and a claim to fame was a now-defunct waterfall! When the river flow was diverted to a next-door town, the parched land seemed to open up all the problems for people of Popcorn Falls. Out of nowhere a salvation for the town presents itself in a form of an improbable grant which invigorates everyone in town and on stage. If only those grants come about more often.

The story, masterfully delivered by an unstoppable pair of comedic actors Tom Souhrada and Adam Heller, is tender, eager and hard-to-believe at the same time. The actors’ sincerity coupled with the script’s entertaining yet warm jokes about broken promises, everyday misfortunes, and local misfits keeps the audience engaged and laughing throughout the performance. In fact, the audience is in a way serves as town residents or the participants in the town hall meetings. The play with its fast-paced acting is suited so well for a small and cozy Davenport Theater, that at times it feels that the stage is filled with a troop of actors. That is a true mastery of the duo that manages to play all 12-odd characters almost simultaneously. Treat yourself to an entertaining night out at Popcorn Falls! The play runs through January 6, 2019.

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